Look back through the previous section and list the characteristics of the approach that Tokairo took to the requirement activity. How do these map onto the ID activities and the characteristics of the ID process (as discussed in Section 6.2.1 starting on page 168 of the Set Book)?
What is their attitude to stakeholders?
Tokairo have a methodology with a first stage being the Site and System Audit. They try to identify "logical group[s]" of users by business function, who have characteristic concerns and requirements. Having already talked to the drivers and driver foremen, they went on to talk to the systems manager and systems analyst, and union representatives. This maps to the ID "needs and requirements" activity, and the ID characteristic of being "focussed on users".
The ID method has the characteristic of being "iterative". The Tokairo approach in this case appears to involve more iteration within the requirements activity than between activities when compared to the ID method, but they describe this as being due to the success of the requirements activity, and both are in fact present.
The results of the initial requirements activity were communicated verbally rather than as written deliverables, and the usability or user experience goals were probably set implicitly, in terms specific to the project (eg "suitable for well-motivated, literate drivers with big fingers who are in a bit of a hurry") rather than in the more general terms of the ID method, which may represent a departure from the ID characteristic of "Specific usability and User Experience goals".
The Tokairo attitude to stakeholders is open and respectful - because "if you just talk to the managers ... you will have a whole lot of surprises".
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